Mail Order Sources for Plants, Seeds & Tools
Note: sites with designated locations may be open to public for visits regularly, on scheduled dates, by appointment or for curbside pickup. Always check with the nursery before visiting.
Almost Eden Plants, Merryville, LA
Annies Annuals and Perennials, Richmond, CA
Arrowhead Alpines, Fowlerville, MI
Avant Gardens, Dartmouth, MA
Bluestone Perennials, Lake County, OH
Broken Arrow Nursery, Hamden, CT
Camellia Forest Nursery, Chapel Hill, NC
Cistus Nursery, Portland, OR
Digging Dog Nursery, Albion, NC
Far Reaches Farm, Port Townsend, WA
Forestfarm at Pacifica, Williams, OR
Garden Vision Epimediums, Templeton, MA
Heritage Flower Farms, Mukwonago, WI
Logee’s Tropical Plants, Danielson, CT
Mr. Maple, East Flat Rock, NC
Nurseries Caroliniana, Augusta, SC
Peony’s Envy, Bernardsville, New Jersey
Pine Knot Farms Hellebores, Clarksville, VA
Plant Delights, Raleigh, NC
Prairie Moon Nursery, Winona, MN
Rare Find Nursery, Jackson Township, NJ
Sandy Mush Herb Nursery, Leicester NC
Whiteflower Farms, Torrington, CT
Woodlanders, Aiken, SC
Commercial Sources - There are many seed companies. Our list focusses on companies that have robust offerings of high quality perennial seeds.
Plant Society Sources (Membership May Be Required; typically held at beginning of each year)
NARGs (North American Rock Garden Society) - huge annual Seed Exchange of rare, hard to find perennials and other plants; first round is for members only, surplus round is open to nonmembers (usually March 1)
Hardy Plant Society - Mid-Atlantic Group - MidAtlantic Region (Members only)