Cupheas - The Hardy Kind

6/27/2023 1:13 pm

Looking for a perennial plant that provides pops of color in your garden and is irresistible to hummingbirds and bees? Try the perennial forms of Cuphea. If you can give them at least a half day of sun, these are top notch at attracting pollinators and delighting humans.

Spigelia marilandica 'Little Redhead'

4/4/2023 9:31 am

A plant that ticks off the wish list of many, Spigelia marilandica 'Little Redhead' is a compact form of "Indian pink."  It's a native, its flowers are stunning, hummingbirds love it and it is low maintenance!

Clematis 'Jeanne's Pink'

4/3/2023 2:35 pm

Flowers are a beautiful thing, no doubt, and Clematis 'Jeanne's Pink' certainly delivers on those. But as we all know, flowers are transitory and sometimes only last a day or a week or so.  'Jeanne's Pink' is one of those perennials that rewards for a long time, not with just flowers, but with stunning seed heads.

Camassia sp.

1/30/2023 4:09 pm

Camassia leichtlinii is a bulb that brings both high drama and structure to the  garden. Growing 2 to 4 feet high, its tall blue spearheads of flowers stand out in late spring and early summer.

Triteleia Species

1/28/2023 4:23 pm

©️Lisa Roper, Chanticleer Garden

Triteleia is a charming late spring to early summer bulb. It was unknown to me by name until Lisa Roper spoke to us in January 2023 and showed how wonderfully this bulb blends into a garden.

Cyclamen for the Win!

1/15/2023 10:18 am

Cyclamen for the Win!

Cyclamen hederifolium 'Sweetheart Splash'


✓ Naturalizing low ground cover

✓ Tolerates weather extremes, drought to drenching, infernal heat to frozen tundra

✓ Grows in dry shade and part shade and under thirsty trees

✓ Charming flowers from summer through fall

✓ Attractive winter foliage that goes dormant in the summer to not clash with summer perennials


Yucca 'Color Guard'

1/8/2023 4:15 pm

Yucca 'Color Guard' is a variegated, evergreen succulent that is well behaved and colorful year round. 

Conradina and xClinadina

11/6/2022 5:08 pm

Need a tidy shrublike evergreen perennial that can stand up to heat, drought and humidity? Want to help preserve a regional native*? Then think about adding a Conradina or a cross of it with another native to the border. Just don't stick it in sodden clay! This is a plant that thrives on neglect.

Asters for Fall

10/16/2022 11:35 am

Asters for Fall

The common name “aster” covers a large group of plants with daisy like flowers. Many will bloom in both spring and fall, but our focus here is on the fall stars of the garden. 

Strobilanthes hamiltoniana

9/16/2022 6:27 pm

Strobilanthes hamiltoniana - Chinese Rain Bells

Looking for something that blooms prolifically late into winter, maybe even survives a light frost or two and isn't an aster? Strobilanthes hamiltoniana features rich dark green leaves that set off abundant panicles of pinkish/lavender tubular blooms. And did I mention that it grows in light shade?